All posts by Jon Alexander

About Jon Alexander

Nothing makes me happier than a great game of high level tournament magic... apart from say, completing a deck in a trade. Being able to recognise the treasure in the trash rare box or escaping the hype on the newest overpriced fugitive wizard has helped me build a few decks over the years. When im not trading you will find me at the draft table or in a game of legacy tapping plains or islands.

This is the second instalment of my two part article about how to keep your...

  This will be a two part article, the first about how to turn luck in...

An introduction to a new-ish way to play magic that is gathering popularity...

Its becoming impossible to be around fellow card slingers without someone...

Ok, so we all know that luck exists, chance is a part of magic, so what am...

Monastery Mentor This guy is one seriously powerful and underplayed monk....

It isn’t even half spoiled yet and this set looks awesome already! I want to...

Part one can be found: Here  This section of the article will continue from...