Dredge Download – Beating the Hate

So I’m back again with the latest tips on beating the hate with Dredge. Although most dredge players (myself included) wish that sideboards didn’t exist, sideboarding is a crucial part of a dredge player’s game plan when trying to fight against opposing linear strategies as well as cards that directly interact with the graveyard. For this reason it is important to know how to change your deck after the first game against every competitive deck in the modern format. Unfortunately, modern is wide open which means that there is a lot of information to be aware of when choosing which of your 15 cards you should bring in and which cards in your maindeck aren’t quite pulling their weight. As a basis for this guide, I will use the decklist I recommended in my last article. Here it is for reference:

4 Prized Amalgam
4 Bloodghast
4 Narcomoeba LANDS (20)
4 Stinkweed Imp 4 Scalding Tarn
2 Insolent Neonate 3 Bloodstained Mire
2 Golgari Thug 2 Stomping Ground
2 Blood Crypt
4 Faithless Looting 3 Blackcleave Cliffs
4 Cathartic Reunion 2 Copperline Gorge
3 Conflagrate 2 Mountain
4 Life from the Loam
1 Darkblast SIDEBOARD
2 Lightning Axe
ARTIFACTS (4) 1 Ancient Grudge
4 Shriekhorn 2 Collective Brutality
2 Thoughtseize
3 Nature’s Claim
2 Engineered Explosives
3 Leyline of the Void

Looking at the main deck, there aren’t a lot of cards that can be removed without a second thought. Even cards such as Darkblast and Conflagrate perform for the deck on such a fundamental level that removing multiple copies when playing against creatureless decks would prove foolhardy. These are the only cards in the main deck that I would ever consider cutting post sideboard: 2 Insolent Neonate, 1 Cathartic Reunion, 4 Shriekhorn, 1 Conflagrate, 1 Darkblast/ 1 Golgari Thug/ 1 Life from the Loam, 1 Bloodghast/ 1 Narcomoeba and 1 Blackcleave Cliffs. Notably, I have included a large number of ‘enabler’ cards on this list. The main reason for this is that they can easily be replaced by cards such as Collective Brutality and Lightning Axe which are still able to let you get your engine going but also provide extra utility in creature and combo matchups. That being said, don’t side out too many at once! The best rule of thumb is to only ever side two more enablers than you bring in (although there are a few exceptions) or to stay at a minimum of 12 enablers overall. Similarly, maintaining a high number of cards with the keyword ‘dredge’ and creatures that come back is also pivotal. These tips should provide you with a general idea of what to remove from your deck in games 2 and 3 but let’s move on to the specifics, matchup by matchup. Strap yourself in, this is going to be pretty comprehensive.

DREDGE (The Mirror)

This matchup is just a straight up race (unless someone has a Leyline of the Void). You want to maximise early starts and mulligan to Leyline of the Void or a hand with multiple enablers. When trying to block, a key tip is to leave back high toughness blockers like Prized Amalgam over Narcomoeba so they can’t be easily blown up by an opposing Conflagrate.

In: 3 Leyline of the Void

Out (Play): 2 Insolent Neonate, 1 Life from the Loam

Out (Draw): 2 Insolent Neonate, 1 Blackcleave Cliffs

If you see Leyline of the Void in Game 2 then it is reasonable to trim a copy of Conflagrate and Narcomoeba for 2 Nature’s Claim.


Once a fantastic matchup, dredge struggles more against affinity than in the Golgari Grave-Troll era as we have lost a lot of the speed that used to allow us to get out ahead. Nevertheless, we have a lot of tools that are effective in fighting the robots (Conflagrate and Ancient Grudge most significantly) and therefore I think the matchup is still very slightly favourable for us. An Etched Champion or an early unanswered Steel Overseer are their main ways of winning so trying to play around those cards is key to the matchup.

On the play:

In: 1 Ancient Grudge, 1 Nature’s Claim, 2 Engineered Explosives, 2 Lightning Axe

Out: 1 Bloodghast, 1 Golgari Thug, 4 Shriekhorn,

On the draw:

In: 1 Ancient Grudge, 2 Nature’s Claim, 2 Engineered Explosives, 2 Lightning Axe

Out: 1 Bloodghast, 1 Golgari Thug, 4 Shriekhorn, 1 Blackcleave Cliffs

When you have a lot of sideboard cards to bring in, cutting a Narcomoeba (if blocking isn’t important) or a Bloodghast is a good idea as with 7 recursive you can still find ways to trigger prized amalgam consistently.


This matchup is all about disrupting the combo; basically none of the cards matter outside of Devoted Druid and potentially Yixlid Jailer/ Scavenging Ooze from the sideboard.

In: 2 Lightning Axe, 2 Collective Brutality

Out: 4 Shriekhorn


This is a tough matchup. They have a turn 4-5 kill backed up by Anger of the Gods as well as Relic of Progenitus post sideboard. Discard spells are the way to win this matchup.

In: 2 Collective Brutality, 2 Thoughtseize

Out: 2 Insolent Neonate, 1 Darkblast, Shriekhorn


This matchup revolves around the opponent’s sideboard cards. An unanswered Rest in Peace is almost the only way that they can win however it is important to be aware of the possibility of a combination of Gideon and multiple cryptic commands stealing a win from you.

In: 2 Thoughtseize, 3 Nature’s Claim,

Out: 1 Darkblast, 2 Shriekhorn, 1 Conflagrate, 1 Narcomoeba


This deck is the reason to play dredge at the moment. Death’s Shadow decks really struggle to beat a wide board of recursive threats backed up by a fireball for 6-10. Watch out for Nihil Spellbomb and Surgical Extraction in games 2 and 3.

In: 2 Lightning Axe, 3 Leyline of the Void

Out (Play): 2 Shriekhorn, 2 Insolent Neonate, 1 Life from the Loam

Out (Draw) 2 Shriekhorn, 2 Insolent Neonate, 1 Blackcleave Cliffs


This matchup is very difficult in game one but improves a lot post sideboard. Discard spells can help deal with the natural spell based combo so the real problematic card that you need to be aware of is Phyrexian Unlife. This is not only a permanent combo piece but also a fog effect. They don’t have any hate cards but their general strategy is very powerful against you and post board Leyline of Sanctity presents huge problems, shutting off discard spells and Conflagrate.

In: 2 Thoughtseize, 2 Collective Brutality, 1 Ancient Grudge, 2 Nature’s Claim

Out (Play): 1 Narcomoeba, 3 Shriekhorn, 1 Darkblast, 1 Conflagrate, 1 Cathartic Reunion

Out (Draw): 1 Narcomoeba, 3 Shriekhorn, 1 Darkblast, 1 Conflagrate, 1 Blackcleave Cliffs


This matchup is pretty even and really depends on whether or not you draw interaction/ your opponent allows you to Conflagrate their cost reducing creature.

On the Play:

In: 2 Thoughtseize, 2 Lightning Axe, 2 Collective Brutality

Out: 1 Darkblast, 2 Insolent Neonate, 1 Shriekhorn, 1 Cathartic Reunion, 1 Narcomoeba

On the Draw:

In: 2 Thoughtseize, 2 Lightning Axe, 2 Collective Brutality, 2 Leyline of the Void

Out: 1 Darkblast, 2 Insolent Neonate, 3 Shriekhorn, 1 Narcomoeba, 1 Blackcleave Cliffs


This matchup is pretty horrendous. I would go so far as to say that it is effectively unwinnable game 1 and still very difficult when you draw cards like Thoughtseize and Engineered Explosives after sideboarding. When the opponents deck is able to race, gain life and blank Conflagrate, dredge is in for a tough time. However, it’s always worth a shot!

In: 2 Nature’s Claim, 2 Engineered Explosives, 2 Thoughtseize

Out: 1 Bloodghast, 1 Conflagrate, 3 Shriekhorn, 1 Blackcleave Cliffs

I like to keep Darkblast in in this matchup as if the opponent has not found a trample/ unblockable effect like Rancor/ Spirit mantle then there are spots in which you are able to block with a Narcomoeba and then kill it in order to prevent lifegain which can actually be a game winning play!


Similar to affinity, this matchup has become a lot worse since the banning of GGT (but still not too bad). I have made an effort to increase the number of untapped, pain-free lands in my deck list but it can still be a difficult fight. The addition of Rest in Peace and Relic of Progenitus to a lot of burn decks also gives burn decks another dimension of attack versus graveyard strategies. A notable omission from my list is the card Gnaw to the Bone which while in theory would be fantastic in the matchup, I have found it to be a pretty poor card. It costs 3 mana which makes it hard to hold up and also plays directly into Skullcrack/ Atarka’s Command. Also, it is actually quite rare to have many creatures in the graveyard in the current iterations of dredge – especially since cutting down on Insolent Neonates! For this reason I like to stick to just Collective Brutality as a trump card against burn.

In: 2 Collective Brutality, 2 Lightning Axe, 2 Nature’s Claim

Out (Play): 4 Shriekhorn, 1 Darkblast, 1 Cathartic Reunion

Out (Draw): 4 Shriekhorn, 1 Darkblast, 1 Blackcleave Cliffs


The Esper version of this deck is the most popular currently so that is what I’m going to base my sideboarding on for this matchup. Cards to watch out for are Gifts Ungiven for Unburial Rites and Elesh Norn, Grand Cenobite as well as Nihil Spellbomb and Kalitas, Traitor of Ghet from the sideboard. A fast start backed up by discard spells/ Leyline of the Void (if possible) is the key to this matchup.

In: 2 Collective Brutality, 3 Leyline of the Void

Out: 1 Darkblast, 1 Narcomoeba, 2 Insolent Neonate, 1 Shriekhorn


This matchup is very difficult but it is possible to steal a win sometimes through the combination of Conflagrate and Ancient Grudge. Watch out for main deck Surgical Extraction and make sure to get in as much damage as possible before the opponent can land an Ensnaring Bridge.

In: 1 Ancient Grudge, 2 Engineered Explosives, 3 Nature’s Claim, 2 Thoughtseize

Out: 3 Shriekhorn, 1 Darkblast, 1 Narcomoeba, 1 Blackcleave Cliffs, 1 Conflagrate, 1 Golgari Thug

You need to sideboard quite heavily in this matchup and hope to get a little bit lucky as their deck has so many cards that completely shut down our game plan and need to be dealt with quickly.


Main deck Relic of Progenitus backed up by high toughness creatures can be difficult for dredge to deal with. Key cards to look out for are Basilisk Collar, Chalice of the Void, Relic and Grafdigger’s Cage. Of note, these cards are all artifacts.

In: 1 Ancient Grudge, 2 Thoughtseize, 2 Lightning Axe

Out (Play): 1 Darkblast, 2 Insolent Neonate, 2 Shriekhorn

Out (Draw): 1 Darkblast, 2 Insolent Neonate, 1 Shriekhorn, 1 Blackcleave Cliffs


Ugin, the Spirit Dragon is the hardest card to beat in this matchup so the plan is to be fast out of the gates and avoid/ play around their Relic of Progenitus’s.

On the Play:

In: 2 Thoughtseize, 1 Ancient Grudge

Out: 2 Insolent Neonate, 1 Darkblast

On the Draw:

In: 2 Thoughtseize, 1 Ancient Grudge, 1 Nature’s Claim

Out: 2 Insolent Neonate, 1 Darkblast, 1 Blackcleave Cliffs


This is a very good matchup if you can dodge sideboard cards. Interestingly, these decks have moved away from Rest in Peace and towards Relic of Progenitus which is fantastic for us as it forces them to hold up mana the whole game and Ancient Grudge can be used to prompt them to crack it. However, they do play 4 copies in their sideboard so the matchup can be more difficult than it would appear at first glance. Otherwise, watch out for Eldrazi Displacer and Flickerwisps off of Aether Vial activations keeping you off of lethal attacks and racing you in the air.

In: 2 Lightning Axe, 1 Ancient Grudge, 1 Engineered Explosives

Out (Play): 2 Insolent Neonate, 1 Golgari Thug, 1 Shriekhorn

Out (Draw): 2 Insolent Neonate, 1 Golgari Thug, 1 Blackcleave Cliffs


Another matchup that (unsurprisingly) revolves around Relic of Progenitus. If your opponent doesn’t have Relic then the only card of concern is Spreading Seas which can cut you off of green mana (or double Red for Conflagrate) and enable them to race you with islandwalkers.

In: 2 Lightning Axe, 1 Ancient Grudge, 1 Engineered Explosives

Out: 2 Insolent Neonate, 1 Shriekhorn, 1 Golgari Thug


This Matchup is all about fast starts. Post-sideboard they have Rest in Peace and Grafdigger’s Cage but Drowner of Hope is the biggest problem game one. Make sure you can either come out in front of it or kill it/ the scions with conflagrate. Alongside Eldrazi Displacer, this card normally spells game over.

On the Play:

In: 2 Lightning Axe, 2 Nature’s Claim, 2 Thoughtseize

Out: 4 Shriekhorn, 1 Golgari Thug, 1 Bloodghast

On the Draw:

In: 2 Lightning Axe, 3 Nature’s Claim, 2 Thoughtseize

Out: 4 Shriekhorn, 1 Golgari Thug, 1 Bloodghast, 1 Blackcleave Cliffs


This is a great matchup. Their deck is very susceptible to both Darkblast and Conflagrate and they play very little graveyard hate. If you can present around 7 power of creatures before they start protecting their creatures with Ezuri, Renegade Leader and Elvish Archdruid then it is hard for them to come back from.

On the Play:

In: 2 Lightning Axe, 2 Collective Brutality, 1 Engineered Explosives

Out: 2 Insolent Neonate, 2 Shriekhorn, 1 Golgari Thug

On the Draw:

In: 2 Lightning Axe, 2 Collective Brutality, 2 Engineered Explosives

Out: 2 Insolent Neonate, 2 Shriekhorn, 1 Golgari Thug, 1 Blackcleave Cliffs


I thought we should finish on a good one. This is a great matchup as their deck is too slow and creature removal spells do very little against the likes of Bloodghast and Prized Amalgam. I generally look at how many cards my opponent is sideboarding in in this matchup as if it looks like they slam 4 cards into their deck, it is likely we need to fight against Leyline of the Void. Scavenging Ooze is also a card you always need to take into account when sideboarding.

When suspecting/ after seeing Leyline of the Void:

In: 2 Lightning Axe, 3 Nature’s Claim

Out: 4 Shriekhorn, 1 Golgari Thug

When your psychic powers have failed you:

In: 2 Lightning Axe, 2 Engineered Explosives

Out: 3 Shriekhorn, 1 Golgari Thug


It took a while but we’ve now covered every competitive deck in the modern! Hopefully you’ve now got all the information you need to foray further into the Modern with dredge and beat down with an undead horde. If you have any questions about the deck or my sideboard plans, let me know in the comments below!

By Aaron Burns Lees
