Predictions for Pro Tour: Battle for Zendikar

It’s that time of year again. The time when standard becomes defined, the time when new cards get broken, and the time when I don’t need to think too hard about what kind of article to write.
That’s right, it’s time for the Pro Tour! (commence whooping and/or hollering as desired)
Last time around at Pro Tour: Magic Origins, many of my predictions came true. Now, with both my pride, and the respect of my peers on the line, I’m looking to repeat that success—and this time I’ve brought some friends along for the ride.
So as delightful as this faffing around is, let’s just get to it shall we?
Prediction #1: A resurgence in control decks
After a great showing from mono red at the last pro tour, the oft-destructive archetype has lost many of its favorite tools going into PT:BFZ. Aggro players are turning back towards R/G Landfall/Atarka red builds which have seen some success in the early weeks of the new format, but I don’t think that’s set to last. Aggro always performs disproportionately well at the start of a new, unsettled format, and I’m inclined to chalk this recent success up to that.
With many players turning their attention towards slower abzan, jeskai, and megamorph strategies, the new standard format has the potential to become a feeding ground for powerful control decks.
I’d expect to see either Esper dragons, or perhaps even an Esper awaken deck perform well at the PT, but I think the tools are there for Grixis and Sultai shells too.
I mean honestly, how long can midrange reign supreme before someone decides to just start playing a ton of blue cards and make them unplayable? Personally I think we’re set to see that happen (perhaps without the hyperbole).
Prediction #2: Baby Jace is everywhere
Make no mistake, Jace, Vryn’s Prodigy is the real deal. Going into the PT Jace has planted his flag as one of the cards that define the current standard format, and I expect him to cement that title next weekend. His ability to slot into aggressive Jeskai lists, slower Jeskai lists, Bring to Light style toolbox decks, and traditional control decks makes him a secure bet for the most represented card in the PT top 8.
Prediction #3: To the exile-er go the spoils
Let’s take a moment to look at a handful of the most troublesome and powerful cards in the standard format:
What do all these cards have in common? They all have extremely powerful graveyard synergies! If someone can work out what the best exiling tech is for this format and keep graveyards clear, they could seriously take the sting out of a number of the top decks.
Whether it’s processing cards trapped under a Silkwrap with something like Wasteland Stangler (a card that I think it might be worth watching) or just using something slightly inefficient like Burn Away out of the sideboard to empty an opponent’s yard, exiling is going to be important, and the best decks will be prepared to do it as efficiently as possible.
Prediction #4: We already know what the best cards from Battle for Zendikar are (mostly)
Last time around I called Abbot of Keral Keep as a sleeper card that would make a splash at the PT (fortunately I put my money where my mouth was and acquired quite a few copies in advance), but this time I’m not feeling quite as confident.
As far as sleeper cards from BFZ go, I think Fathom Feeder and Woodland Wanderer look better positioned than most to make some moves. Though even with that said, I think speculating on cards from BFZ is pretty risky at the moment.
If you’ve got a speculation target in mind, consider for a moment how much of the value of sealed BFZ product is already covered by expeditions, a cycle of dual lands, power mythics and even full-art basics. I think even if a rare makes a serious break out of nowhere at this PT, it’s price isn’t likely to spike above a few pounds, so personally I’ll be opting not to take the risk this time around.
Prediction #5: Opinions from the team!
To jazz this article up a bit I canvassed the opinions of a few of the other TT writers to see which cards and decks they were keeping their eyes on during the Pro Tour. Each was asked 3 simple questions:
1) What will be the most represented card in the Top 8?
2) Which sleeper card is set for a breakout performance?
3) What deck archetype do you think will take the win?
Simple enough. Let’s see what they had to say.
Mat “Forest player” Tonkin
1) Jace, Vryn’s Prodigy
2) Woodland Wanderer/ Wingmate Roc
3) 4 Colour (Abzan) Aggro
Some pretty solid picks here, I expect we’ll see more people picking Jace for question 1. Personally I think Abzan Aggro’s days at the top are numbered, but the deck will likely remain a solid competitor through the PT.
Local hero Nyle Sutherland-Clark
1) Jace, Vryn’s Prodigy
2) Mantis Rider
3) Abzan Aggro
More Jace and more support for Abzan aggro. I think it’s fair to say that mantis rider would be something of a re-breakout, but with the rise of Jeskai in recent weeks, it seems like a solid pick.
Louis “Troll Trader” Simpson
1) Hangarback Walker
2) Green level man (Warden of the First Tree)
3) Rdw (Red-based aggro)
The Troll Trader himself flexes his extreme card knowledge with astute picks such as “green level man”. Green level man is already making a pretty serious breakout, and looks set to continue his green levelling dominance at the Pro Tour.
Jake “Dies to Languish” Baron
1) Warden of the First Tree
2) Butcher of the horde
3) Abzan red
Solid picks from a local player that I have a lot of respect for. More love for green level man, but I’m still not feeling the abzan pick to win! (although now I am getting pretty outnumbered)
David “Judge David” Murray
1) Jace, Vryn’s Prodigy
2) Soulfire Grand Master
3) “Beskai” (Jeskai with black)
Calling on the results of the recent TT PPTQ to guide his choices, David goes with some picks that I can really get behind. I love Jeskai, and I think the deck is looking extremely strong going into the PT. Good picks!
Gareth “Judge Rolo” Tanner
1) Jace, Vryn’s Prodigy
2) Oblivion Sower
3) Eldrazi ramp
While the others got bogged down with small creatures, Gareth has his sights set on bigger game. Aside from Jace, these are brave picks. I’d love to see a ramp deck succeed at the PT, so I’m hoping Gareth is on the mark with these choices.
That’s me and the guys wrapped up, but what do you think? Let us know your predictions in the comments below, and enjoy the show this weekend!