EDH Deck of the Week: Azusa, Lost but Seeking

If you’re looking for a Commander that just emits power then look no further. Azusa may not look that exciting at first glance but I can assure you from personal experience, she will greatly exceed your expectations.
The ability to play 2 extra lands each turn is one that is not to be taken lightly. When you combo this with mechanics such as Landfall for example, things get very silly, very quickly. Some cards that come to mind are Lotus Cobra and Rampaging Baloths. I have used both of these in the version I built in the past and they were absolute powerhouses. Lotus Cobra on turn 1 followed by a turn 2 Azusa, thanks to the Landfall trigger and then if you can, play 2 more lands to give you access to up to another 4 mana after you already have Azusa in play is utterly ridiculous.
Some cards that really push the deck over the edge are cards like Gaea’s Touch, Mana Reflection, Extraplanar Lens, Gauntlet of Power, Oracle of Mul Daya and Vorinclex, Voice of Hunger. All of these cards give you access to amounts of mana you would never have thought were possible. I have personally had Vorinclex, Voice of Hunger, Mana Reflection, Extraplanar Lens, Gauntlet of Power and Lotus Cobra in play at once along with Azusa and the things you are capable of doing is just unfair. A personal favourite of mine was casting Tooth and Nail for its Entwine cost on turn 4 and fetching out Kozilek and Ulamog for a completely fair turn 4 play.
Now, as the deck runs off of you consistently dropping lands turn after turn, you need to put as much card draw and land search in as you feel you need, there is no correct amount it really just comes down to personal preference. There is a lot of card draw in the list I built as I wanted to be able to pull out all of my threats as soon as possible. Also, the ability to pull creatures out of your deck thanks to cards such as Green Sun’s Zenith, Chord of Calling and Survival of the Fittest are also crucial in terms of the deck playing consistently. If you find yourself stuck with loads of unspent mana every turn then Omnath, Locus of Mana is a must as this will see you soon build up unbelievable reserves of mana that can be spent on future turns.
One of the main win conditions in this deck is through Concordant Crossroads. The ability for your creatures to be able to come in with haste is insanely powerful as we are playing cards like Kozilek, Butcher of Truth and Ulamog, the Infinite Gyre. You can drop Concordant Crossroads as early as turn 3 in most cases and then set up a monstrous turn 4 with Tooth and Nail being cast for its Entwine cost and pulling out 2 of your biggest threats that can attack immediately. The cards you search for, however, will be completely situational depending on the current board state when you cast Tooth and Nail.
Overall, this deck has incredible synergy, draws an insane amount of cards, allows you to play some of the most broken cards in Commander, is an absolute blast to play and becomes a monster come turn 4 or 5.
If you have any questions about this deck then please feel free to comment below as I have built this deck to the card in the past and would be more than happy to answer any questions you may have.
Deck List:
Commander: 1
Creatures: 20
1x Khalni Hydra
1x Lotus Cobra
1x Scute Mob
1x Terastodon
1x Acidic Slime
1x Regal Force
Instants and Sorceries: 11
1x Regrowth
1x All Is Dust
1x Genesis Wave
Enchantments and Artifacts: 22
1x Gaea’s Touch
1x Exploration
1x Sol Ring
1x Mana Crypt
1x Mana Vault
1x Memory Jar
1x Burgeoning
Planeswalkers: 3
Lands: 43
34x Forest
1x Strip Mine
1x Wasteland
1x Ancient Tomb