Battle for Zendikar… the story so far!

It isn’t even half spoiled yet and this set looks awesome already! I want to preorder infinite boxes! Have you seen the new full art basic’s… they’re incredible!
Who wouldn’t want to tap those, I’ll be tapping these so hard they won’t untap in my next untap step! Lets not even get started on some of the extra inserted cards! These look ludicrous… Goodbye wallet, good bye savings, regrets: 0
I cant wait to see the other fetchland art, and these will add huge value to the set. A nice addition to the set from wizards and for those that don’t know, these are not officially part of Battle for Zendikar and are only legal in the formats that they are usually legal in. They are as rare as a foil mythic, which I’ve read is about 1.6 of these awesome cards per booster case (6 boxes).
While the price of these is still up to anyone’s guess, im betting that opening a Scalding Tarn or Misty Rainforest will more than pay for the box, considering how much the regular versions are going for.
I really like these lands, they’re a new twist on an old favourite and sure to be a big hit for standard along with the khans fetches. I can even see playing these as a 1 of if you cant afford the original duals in some legacy decks that play a lot of basics, for example Omni-tell that always searches out islands first. Needless to say these will be 4 of’s in most standard decks once the scrys rotate out.
Now this is something I can get behind!! So you get your spell and then if its late game you get the bonus of turning an extra land into a creature as well which can attack that turn. So far we have only seen these on sorceries but imagine the value if they put this on an instant. Say doing something in their attacks and then blocking and eating their creature.
I think the new hero’s downfall is actually slightly better than the original due to awaken even though you cannot cast it at instant speed. The drawback is worth the flexibility, killing something and making a 4/4 with haste are two relevant ways to affect the board. This is huge when you can potentially kill something and then attack and kill a planeswalker as well. I’d pick these up before the price jumps like hero’s downfall did.
Two returning popular mechanics / themes, land fall has always been hugely popular and I expect it to be no different this time. We have already been given a great landfall spoiler in Omnath, locus of rage. So this guy is huge, if you wait til turn 8 to play him then play and crack a fetch land that’s 15 power that shoots them for 3 when a part of it dies……Im sold!
Im eager to see what other goodies landfall brings.
Rally or the ally synergies is one they tried in the original Zendikar but it was never really that powerful outside of limited and could never compete next to powerhouses such as Jace, the Mindsculptor. This time around the cards look more competitively costed and powered so far, im certain wizards have got this one right this time and am looking forward to the cool ally theme cards.
So the evil eldrazi are back and causing havoc again except this time they are a little different from before. So far everything spoiled is far from Emrakul with the exception of the new Ulamog who will end games fast. The eldrazi drones are smaller colourless creatures with unique abilities that all work together rather than just being huge monsters. I love these so far and the set looks super fun to draft, they aren’t that powerful for constructed just yet but I am expecting at least one really good one that will go into loads of decks considering less than half of the cards have been spoiled yet.
There are also eldrazi processors which work by putting exiled cards into your opponents graveyard for an effect. I really like this one and am hoping for some powerful effects, this one is destined to be super fun for draft and works with the new ingest mechanic.
The new Gideon seems really decently costed and reminds me of the original Elspeth, I like that it can be used as a 4 mana anthem effect straight away or as a solider token generator or a 5/5 beatstick. I am expecting to see this one in standard when it comes out.
Rolling thunder is a cool reprint and Nissa’s renewal seems like an interesting ramp card with the whole gain 7 thing added on there so you don’t die, I really hope a good mana ramp deck comes out of this set and I will be anticipating eldrazi ramp from the spoilers.
So that’s everything so far, the set looks awesome and hopefully I will somehow find enough money to preorder my infinite booster boxes.