The Pick From the Pack #1: Modern Masters 2015
Hi, I’m Adam. I’ve been playing Magic consistently since the release of Scars of Mirrodin block, and since then I’ve come to love most of the formats this great game has to offer—especially limited.
In this new series of articles I’m going to crack some packs and discuss what I would take in a pack 1 pick 1 scenario. To keep things away from “money” oriented picks, I’ll be treating it like I’m drafting a deck to play, but I don’t get to keep the cards. No pack 2 pick 1 slam foil Tarmogoyf here.
For the first article, we’ve got a very interesting limited set—Modern Masters 2015. If you’ve had a chance to draft this set you’ll be as excited as I am to see what’s inside, so let’s get to it.
A quick look at the commons reveals a few cards of interest.
Sunlance is a very mana efficient removal spell, and doesn’t lock us into a specific strategy. Most white decks would be happy to have one. Its downside is the sorcery speed, yet as white struggles to deal direct damage to creatures, I’m happy to consider it.
Scion of the Wild is a former rare that now finds itself sitting at common, meaning that you should be able to pick several up. Whilst I am a fan of the green/white tokens deck that Scion fits into, I don’t like locking into an archetype early as you never know what’s going to be passed from your right hand side.
Ulamog’s Crusher is a very powerful card. However costing a huge 8 mana would make me reluctant to first pick it. If I find myself in a deck that can produce mana easily, then I would be more than happy to have one.
Somber Hoverguard is a great creature to fit into the affinity deck, but I feel that Narcolepsy is the better blue common. Whilst not as good as an arrest, it still can deal with a creature that would otherwise cause you problems.
Therefore the two commons I currently have high on my list are Sunlance and Narcolepsy, as they keep me open for what I can pick up in the first few packs.
Starting with the narrowest card, Deathmark won’t be considered a first pick. It’s a fantastic sideboard card for black decks, but just too narrow to consider taking first.
Stormblood Berserker is a great card in the red black bloodthirst deck. That deck consists of cards such as Goblin Fireslinger, and a solid creature base that plays out on each turn of the game. I think the card is fine, but to stick with my methodology of staying as open as I can, so I won’t be picking it.
Air Servant is a fine card, with the perk of being able to control the flyers on the field. Need to lock an attacker down? Blocker in the way? 4 power is nothing to be sniffed at, and unchecked will quickly finish an opponent off.
I tend not to like 1 mana 1/1’s, even with an upside, as if they are drawn later in the game, they are little underwhelming, and tend not to do much more than chump blocking.
Scute Mob is one of the exceptions to my rule. If you can get away with not throwing him under the proverbial bus, you are potentially looking at a 5/5 when you untap with 5 lands. If he’s staying alive he’s going to keep getting bigger and bigger, and then becomes the “must answer” threat on the board.
Scute Mob is a good card, and I would be more than happy to have one in a green deck, but i’m unsure where it falls when compared to Air Servant. To me they are the best cards in the pack, and I feel that they are close in power level. In a draft situation I am likely to take the flyer, as that comes down to my personal preference, but I wouldn’t blame someone for taking the Scute Mob.
What’s your pick? Do you have a preference? Vote for your pick at the following link: and leave some comments. We can reflect at the start of the next article.
You can find me on twitter at @TrollTraderAdam
Until next time; draft.